Tin Roof

Friday, January 20, 2012

Choose wisely, but at least choose something different!

'7 am, the garbage truck beeps as it backs up,
And I find myself thinking about what I've thrown away.
Can I push rewind?
The credits traverse signifying the end, 
but I missed the best part.
Could we please go back to start?
Forgive my indecision...' 
~Verse from '11 am" by Incubus~

The past is one thing that generally plagues every human. The coulda-shoulda-wouldas poke at us like an ever-repeating mantra some days... We must persevere and replace the noise in our minds with another more affirmative, uplifting, and strong mantra like 
"I Choose" below... 

                              Never act my age
You can tell by the lines in my smile,
That I have been around for a while. 
So, insecurities...
Are about as useful as trying
To put the pin back in a grenade.
~Verse from 'Smile Lines' by Incubus~