Jon Huntsman may be the GOP's only hope. He SURELY is going to be the USA's only hope to end the partisan stalemate in D.C., and perhaps get the numbers right so we can create jobs.
He has a degree in International Politics and has served as Ambassador to Singapore and China. He even actually SPEAKS Mandarin Chinese! With China pretty much owning 2/3's of our country, his grasp of that very difficult language might come in handy, eh? The Chinese government won't be able to get away with making sneaky comments in the back of the boardroom, at the very least!
I don't agree that Obama has totally failed during his administration, one can only do so much without co-operation of the Majority Party of the House. At least Huntsman has the benefit of being in the GOP. He is in favor of the Keystone Pipeline project which, in the short-term may solve some energy issues and create temporary jobs building the thing. In the long term, we may open a Pandora's Box of issues in the fragile Plains ecosystem, wildlife impact for one. The biggest risk in this project is possible contamination of the Oglala Aquifer. The Aquifer spans 8 states, over 175, 000 square miles,provides drinking water to 2 Million people, and irrigation to $20 BILLION in agriculture. I don't blame Obama for putting off the decision until 2013, I wouldn't want to be the one who gave the OK for something that, with ONE major leak, could ruin one of the largest natural aquifers in the world, as well as kill the Midwestern economy and effect everywhere their products go. Huntsman likes to bicycle, perhaps he could get more people interested in saving gasoline, REDUCING our long term need instead of just putting a patch on the problem like an old rubber tire which will explode one day. New source of oil + No legislated or voluntary conservation = Back to the Same Problem in 20 years.
Besides riding bikes, Huntsman also likes to play piano/keyboards, music of the progressive rock variety. This gives him a leg-up when trying to understand where all the Trillions of dollars in the budget are going. When he was 15 he obtained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. In 2007, the BSA awarded him Distinguished Eagle Scout, which put in the company of Gerald Ford, Neil Armstrong, Donald Rumsfeld, Louis Freeh (FBI), Robert Gates (CIA), Dick Gephardt, Stephen Breyer (US Supreme Court), James Brady (Reagan's Press Secretary), Steven Spielberg, & Rick Perry.
Speaking of Rick Perry, his word fumbles and flawed platform is something that won't be able to compete in 2012. Electing him would be like the progressive monarchs in the UAE being overthrown by the Taliban and instituting Sharia law. I'm convinced that Rick Perry is George W. who has undergone plastic surgery a la Travolta & Cage in "Face-Off" (that was a joke people)!
I like Huntsman for President 2012 over all the other candidates. I only take issue with his Pro-Life stance (at least he's not banging the drums for overturning Roe v. Wade- he's intelligent enough to know we have far worse things in this country to take care of first.) and his support of the Keystone Pipeline. Even his being a Mormon issue because he and his family is quite obviously NOT ethnocentric. I am totally impressed with his grasp of the extremely difficult Mandarin Chinese language and his ambassadorship for teaching it in an early educational setting.